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Keynote Address    

  Airport Industry keynote
Bongani MASEKO
Chair, Airports Council International World Executive Committee

Bongani joined Airports Company South Africa in 1999 and was formally appointed as CEO in May 2013 (title formerly known as Managing Director). In 2011, Bongani was appointed as Acting Managing Director, following seven years as the company’s Group Executive: Airport Operations. His responsibilities included the day-to-day operations at all the company’s airports. Prior to his role in Airport Operations, he also spent three-and-half-years leading O.R. Tambo International Airport as General Manager.

Bongani is currently Vice President for Airports Council International [ACI] World and was previously Vice President for ACI Africa. He has a BSc degree in Aviation Business Administration from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida (USA), where his studies focused on airport and airline management. He continued his studies at the University of California in Airport Systems Planning and Design and Airport Ground Transportation Planning. He gained considerable experience at San Francisco International Airport in the USA, where he worked for eight years.

  Special Keynote
Young Tae KIM
Secretary-General, International Transport Forum(ITF), OECD

Young Tae Kim is the Secretary-General of the International Transport Forum (ITF). He was elected by the transport ministers of ITF member countries at their annual summit on 1 June 2017 and took office in August 2017.

Prior to his election as ITF Secretary-General, Dr. Kim distinguished himself in the civil service of his native Korea, most recently serving as Director-General in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT). As Deputy Director-General from 2015, he was responsible for coordinating various transport policies including on autonomous vehicle, greenhouse gas reduction, urban transportation, Intelligent Transport Systems and road safety, among others.
After joining the MOLIT in 1994 as Deputy Director for Urban Transport, Dr. Kim also held several Deputy Director and Director positions with responsibility for housing welfare, integrated city development and overseas infrastructure construction. He was seconded to the Prime Minister's Commission on Administrative Reform in 1996 and the Presidential Committee on Social Inclusion in 2005-2007. From 2010 to 2014, Dr. Kim worked in Washington, D.C., as Counsellor for Construction, Transport and Maritime Affairs at the Korean Embassy.

Session 1   The Paradigm Shift in Global Aviation Industry  

Director of Market Forecasting, Boeing Commercial Airplanes

Wendy Sowers leads Boeing Commercial Airplanes’ (BCA) analysis of airline industry market dynamics. In her current role, she directs the development of Boeing's annual Commercial Market Outlook – a 20-year global forecast for air traffic and airplane demand – and supports near and mid-term market analysis for BCA business and strategic planning.
Wendy has been with BCA for 20 years in a variety of roles including product marketing, competitor analysis and strategy, and supply chain management. Prior to joining Boeing, Wendy held positions in finance and human resources at M&M/Mars, and also spent several years in the financial services industry.

Vice President - Asia Pacific, Delta Air Lines

Matteo Curcio is Vice President – Asia Pacific, overseeing Korea, Japan and the Philippines. Matteo also leads the Pan-Asia Strategy and Market Development teams and is driving the creation of a leading trans-Pacific joint venture with Korean Air.

Prior to his current position, he served as Managing Director - Asia Pacific Strategy and Market Development. Matteo spent more than seven years leading Delta’s transformation in the region, including significant expansion of our trans-Pacific network and execution of Delta’s strategic partnerships with China Eastern and Korean Air.

Director General, Lebanese Civil Aviation Authority

Dr. Hamdi Chaouk is currently an advisor to a number of Civil Aviation Authorities in the Middle East and Africa and has led the successful development and restructuring of many airports, airlines and civil aviation Authorities in the region including UAE, KSA, Kuwait, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Oman, Turkey, Australia, Switzerland, and UK.

As the Director General of Civil Aviation of Lebanon, Dr Chaouk managed to rewrite all aviation laws and regulations, restructured the Civil Aviation, developed Beirut Airport and established the first and only airline’s Black List in the Middle East which was used as a reference worldwide.

With over 30 years of experience in leading successful airlines including TMA, which was the third largest full cargo Airline in the world, PrivatAir (PASA) the leading business jet in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as Oger Aviation in Cyprus, He was instrumental in the restructuring and strategy development as well as the success of Middle East Airlines (MEA). He led the establishment of three universities in the region, served as vice president and advisor to a number of universities worldwide and helped established and chaired the University Aviation Departments in Lebanon and UAE.

General Manager for Korea, Japan and New Caledonia, Air France-KLM

Stefan VANOVERMEIR has work experience in Air France Korea from 2005 to 2007 as Commercial Director and he was Project Distribution Manager, Pricing Director of AIR FRANCE – KLM Global Distribution and VP Revenue Management in France.
Since September 2015, he was General Manager for Japan AIR FRANCE – KLM and from July 2016, he is appointed as General Manager for Korea, Japan & New Caledonia AIR FRANCE – KLM.

Session 2   Future airport master plan in response to the changing environment 

Khaled NAJA
Executive VP, Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport

Khaled Naja serves as Executive Vice President for the Infrastructure & Development Division of Dallas Fort Worth International Airport. He oversees the Design, Code & Construction, Commercial Development, Energy, Transportation & Asset Management and Planning departments. His responsibilities include directing all aspects of develop- ment at DFW, including master planning, engineering, a $3 billion capital improvement program, construction work, and commercial real estate development.

More specifically, Mr. Naja provides key leadership support to help guide the overall strategic planning of the Airport; the development, acquisition, leasing, and commercial property manage- ment of the Airport’s property and facilities; and the design and construction of facilities in fulfillment of the Airport Master Plan.

Yongkyu KANG
Head, Airport Research Institute, IIAC

Mr. Yongkyu Kang is the Executive Director in charge of overseeing technology & business research
as the head of Airport Research Institute at Incheon International Airport Corporation. He has taken part in constructing and operating Incheon Airport for the last 20 years.
He participated in building the security system of Incheon Airport Terminal 1 and in operating & maintaining the network system, car parking system, baggage handling system and many other fields in airport operation. In particular, e contributed to the successful opening of Terminal 2 of Incheon Airport. As the Director of ORAT team, he made every effort for stabilizing Termianl 2 until grand opening.

Head of Master Planning & Capacity, Heathrow Airport

Richard has been leading and influencing Heathrow’s infrastructure development strategy for the past 12 years. He is highly experienced at developing solutions in a complex, ambiguous environment, often with many conflicting stakeholder requirements. Recently he has been leading on the masterplan for Heathrow’s third runway, its transformational surface access strategy and how the airport will grow whilst meeting its environmental targets and commitments. In the past he has been responsible for the business cases behind closing Terminal 1, the investment in accommodating A380 growth and the next increment of terminal and apron capacity for the early 2020s.

Zhihui WU
Senior Business Manager, Beijing New Airport Construction HQ

Mr. Wu, Zhihui holds Bachelor’s degree of Engineering in Highway and Urban Road from Tongji University. Since 1988, he served in China Airport Construction Group Corp. (CACC) as Director of Airfield Design Office, Deputy Director of Institute of Planning and Design, General Manager of Dept. of Production Management. Since 2011, Mr. Wu served in Beijing New Airport Construction Headquarters (BNAH) as General Manager of Dept. of Planning and Design. Now he is the Senior Executive Manager & General Manager of Dept. of Airfield Engineering in BNAH.

Mr. Wu obtained the qualification of Senior Engineer in Airport Airfield in 1999. He also received the Second Class Prize of The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award and the First Class Prize of The Civil Aviation Authority of China Scientific and Technological Progress Award during his professional Career.

Session 3   Expansion of capacity through the optimization of airport operation  

Deputy Director Commercial, Vietjet Air

Jay L Lingeswara is the Deputy Director Commercial, Strategy & Planning for VietJet Air. He has over 12 years' experience in commercial strategy and planning, responsible for driving revenue performance with direct responsibility for fleet planning, network planning and commercial management at VietJet Air. Strong knowledge across broad aviation disciplines and possess extensive commercial management experience, representing VietJet Air in all conferences and events, with a particular focus on travel and transportation. Key staff advisor for all negotiations with government entities, airport authorities and tourism boards, alliances and partnerships, and other business transactions. This includes internal and external alignment with all relevant business stakeholders focusing network, fleet and schedule planning, slots and bilateral negotiations, airport incentives and new airline start-ups. He gained his industry experience at AirAsia Group & AirAsia X Group where he was responsible for commercial strategy, start-ups, distribution and new business development.

Airside Development Manager, Groupe ADP

Maryne FLOCH—LE GOFF is the Airside Development Manager for Paris Charles de Gaulle facilities since January 2017. Between 2015 and 2017, she was part of Groupe ADP Graduate Program in Airport Operations where she firstly studied Sky Team baggage logistics in Paris CDG Airport and then was part of Paris Orly Airport Airside Operations Department.
Through her current position, she influences and takes care of preeminent infrastructures projects, such as the creation of the first Taxiway Perimeter in CDG or the extension of Fedex hub in CDG through the creation of a new apron and she provides her expertise concerning the airside part of future Terminal 4. She also deals with the compliancy to EASA regulation, and is thus responsible for developing innovative solutions compliant to this regulation.

Executive Director, Airport Operation, Hong Kong Intl. Airport

Aged 63. Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Economics from the United Kingdom. Joined the Airport Authority Hong Kong in 1996 and was appointed Executive Director in March 2012. Mr Ng was previously the Deputy Director, Airport Operations of AAHK. He has held a number of managerial and senior management positions in the fields of airfield operations, passenger services, security operations, commercial and property, technical administration and systems management since the Kai Tak Airport days to the present time. He is a Director of Shanghai Hong Kong Airport Management Company Limited.

Business Development Manager, Copenhagen Airports

Mr. Morten Poulsen has spent 17 years within the Aviation Industry, with over 10 years in management positions. He has solid experience from airlines, ground handlers and airports alike, and hence has great insight into the industry challenges at hand. One of his major areas areas of expertise is how the industry can utilize the current and future technological developments to further enhance the operations at an airport.
Today, Mr. Morten Poulsen holds the position as Business Development Manager at Copenhagen Airports A/S. In this role he has successfully been the project lead for the implementation of A-CDM in Copenhagen Airport. Mr. Morten Poulsen also represents Copenhagen Airport in the IATA Fast Travel working group.

Session 4   The 4th industrial revolution and innovation of airport services  

Jung June AHN
Vice President, Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC)

He has been working for Incheon International Airport Corporation(IIAC) since 1992.
He has experienced key positions mainly at Planning and Coordination Department, Public Relations & International Relations Department, Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer for Successful Opening, Airline Marketing Department, HR Planning and Development Department and Airport City Development Group.

Now, He is in charge of Public Relations Group since 2014.
He always works with passion and positive attitude and acting as a mentor for young employees at IIAC

Vinoop GOEL
Asia Pacific Regional Director, IATA

Vinoop Goel is the Asia-Pacific Regional Director of Airports & External Relations for IATA. He is based at their Asia Pacific regional office in Singapore. Vinoop leads a team that is responsible for all IATA's activities in the Asia-Pacific region relating to Airports, Passenger Experience, Baggage, Ground handling, Cargo Supply chain, Security and Facilitation. In addition to this, Vinoop also heads the Member & External Relations department for the region that is responsible for IATA membership and government policy issues such as environment, taxation and aviation policy.

Aaldert HOFMAN
Lead Enterprise Architect, Schiphol

I enjoy working within Schiphol Group every day! I like challenges from business and IT perspective, finding solutions that provide best value for time. In my opinion, time is a much scarcer resource than money.
My first role within Schiphol Group was as enterprise architect for the business domain of Passenger Services and later on also for Airside Operations. Fascinating, innovative, collaborative, complex business and IT topics, like flow and capacity management, Airport and Passenger CDM, indoor wayfinding. I took the lead in drafting the architecture blueprint for our Digital Airport program, shortly before I was assigned to my role as lead enterprise architect and manager of the team responsible for strategy & architecture.
Before joining Schiphol Group, I worked for over 20 years in Financial industry and governmental projects in a wide variety of assignments, e.g. Trusted advisor to a corporate CISO, lead consultant to determine vision and strategy on Future of Secure Online Banking, and enterprise architecture roles to determine an Enterprise Target Operating Model, or establishing a Shared Service Center.

Director Consulting Air Travel Solutions, SITA

Carlos is Director of Consulting at SITA, and has worked with airports across the globe to develop their technology strategy, and with airlines to assess the impact of new technologies on passenger and baggage management processes. Prior to SITA, he was a Station Manager for an airline in Hong Kong. His areas of expertise and interests are airport performance, airport technology, digital transformation and the impact of technology on improving passenger satisfaction and operational performance. His hands-on experience is backed up with an extensive academic background, including a PhD and an MSc from Cranfield University (England) where he researched the relationship between IT and Airport Performance, in addition, a postgraduate degree in Financial Economics from the University of London. Carlos also lecturers at the University of Surrey on Aviation Technology, as part of the university’s Master in Air Transport Management, as well as being a regular guest-lecturer on Airport Management Systems at Cranfield’s MSc in Airport Planning.

Session 5   Cooperation among Stakeholders and Systematic Support

Executive Director, Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC)

Mina Choi is in charge of Social Value Creation Group of Incheon airport. She communicates with airport regional community and airport partners, provides volunteer services to the region, Incheon city and the whole Korean vulnerable as well. She is also working with Gov’t in regards to creating more aviation jobs in and out of Korea. She used to be in charge of Aviation Marketing before the current position. She worked to attract new airlines, develop new route and increase international passengers together with partnering airlines. She has served Incheon airport 23 years since 1995.
Mina Choi was appointed as President Director of PT. Mitra Incheon Indonesia on March, 2012, which is 100% subsidiary company of Incheon Airport in Indonesia. She was in charge of providing an airport consulting service for Juanda airport in Surabaya and also marketing and sales for more airport project opportunities in Indonesia. Before her appointment, she has worked in Marketing, PR and Finance for 16 years.

Deputy Director General, ACI World

Mr. Rostworowski has 27 years of airline/airport experience at the Management level in Operations, Marketing and Finance. On the airline side, he worked for Canada 3000 airlines where he managed operations for Montreal and certain other regions. He later worked for at Air Canada’s Corporate Real Estate department, managing the airline’s real estate installations for different cities, as well as rates and charges at different airports. On the airport side, he joined Aéroports de Montréal’s (ADM) Business Development department in 2003, having as his main objective the identification of new types of products, services and technologies to be introduced at Montreal-Trudeau International Airport to improve passenger processes and increase revenues. He was also tasked with anticipating the evolution of the installations according to technological changes in the industry.
He joined ACI World in early 2015 to provide guidance and support to the airport community in terms of standards, recommended practices and industry collaboration to identify how to best improve airport efficiency, the passenger processes and the overall travel experience while ensuring safety and security at all touchpoints of the journey. His responsibilities at ACI World include Airport Security, Facilitation, IT, ACI Airport Service Quality (ASQ), APEX and Global Training prorammes.

Aviation Director, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

Huntley A. Lawrence, a 33-year veteran of The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey who became Director of Aviation in January 2017, is responsible for managing one of the world’s largest airport systems with revenues of $2.4 billion and a staff of over 1,500 aviation professionals. Prior to becoming director, Huntley served as Deputy Director of Aviation, a role he had held since May 2014.

Beginning his Port Authority career in Airport Operations, Huntley held positions of increasing responsibility at LaGuardia, Newark Liberty International (EWR) and JFK International airports. In 1993, he accepted a position in the Properties and Commercial Development Division at EWR, where he negotiated leases and operating agreements with existing and prospective tenants and managed properties at Teterboro and Newark Liberty International airports. He subsequently joined EWR’s Airport Operations Division, and was successively promoted into the positions of Manager, Landside & Customer Services; Assistant Manager, Airport Services; and Manager of the Airport Services Division. In the latter position, he was responsible for the Airside, Security and International Facility units and worked successfully in managing the transition from FAA civilian security staff to U.S. Transportation Security Administration officers following the tragic events of 9/11.

Managing Director, PGL (Polish Aviation Group)

A manager with extensive international experience in the transport industry. Supervisory Board of the company has decided to entrust him the position of LOT’s CEO efective January 28th.

He co-founded the Baltic Rail, one of the first private railway carriers of goods in Poland. In 2005, together with an industry investor Freightliner Group in the UK, he founded Freightliner PL – a freight rail carrier. As a president and co-owner he led the company from a start-up to the achievement of a few per cent share of the freight market in Poland. He is also the founder and former CEO of Freightliner DE - a German subsidiary Freightliner PL and the Association of Independent Railway.

Senior Instructional Systems Design Specialist, ICAO

Ms. Bonnie McEachern has over 20 years’ experience in international training projects, initiatives, and activities. Her experience includes establishing systems and methodologies for training needs assessments, course design, and post-training evaluation. By applying research methods to measuring training, she has provided diverse training organizations implantation reports for optimizing their training operations and improving their business practices to meet current and future training needs of industries in high growth sectors.

She has worked at the Global Aviation Training (GAT) Office of ICAO since its inception in 2014. Ms. McEachern oversees the competency-based training development projects of the GAT office, and the instructor qualification process established to set competency standards of ICAO instructors. She encourages training teams, colleagues, and customers to gain training intelligence by keeping current with aviation training data and continuously evolving their training solutions accordingly.

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